When life gives you lemons....make some lemonade!
That was the plan, however the heat got to the lemons before I did. I bought a large bag of lemons from Costco that looked very lucious and lemony, and wonderful. I brought them home and put them all in a bowl on the kitchen table as I usually do. This makes them available and in sight to remind me to use them. Alas, the heat made them mold and I lost almost half the bowl full.
I separated them and threw out the bads ones and began juicing the rest on the old fashioned glass hand held juicer I found at an antique sale last summer. I saved the juice in the fridge to keep it for future use. Then I remembered that my mom who lives in the desert, who also has a lemon tree, would do juice her lemons and then put the juice in ice cube trays to freeze the juice and then store them for future use in plastic baggies.
It adds just the right zing to iced tea as well as some much needed cooling these days. Possible three digit temps around here in the next week and very few have airconditioning. We need to find cool wherever we can find it.